Wyatt Mitchell Wilcox was born February 9, 2012 at 38 weeks and 5 days. He was 6lbs 10ounces and 19' long. He has a ton of hair but it is all in the back. It is a beautiful strawberry blonde color. He is perfect.
Wyatt and daddy the night we got home.
I never thought I could love something as much as I love Mitch. Wyatt is such a blessing in our lives and we are so excited to be his parents. He already makes us laugh and has brought us closer together. I love my perfect little family.We miss you Uncle Nate, Auntie Calixta and cousin Delia! We can't wait to see you!
Love him! We cannot wait to meet him. Just a little over a month we will get to hold this little guy!! Delia loves him already and talks about him a lot. I am so glad your feeling good and you guys are adjusting well to this little guy! We love his name too!