Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wyatt Mitchell Wilcox

During my weekly checkup at the obgyn they expressed concern about my babies heart rate. It was extremely low. They sent me over to labor and delivery to see what was going on. Turns out little Wyatt wasn't doing much swimming like he was supposed to because there wasn't very much fluid. They decided to induce labor just to be safe. There were several concerns throughout the visit because his heart rate kept dropping low and he hated the contractions. So an appointment that started at three on Wednesday resulted in little Wyatt on Thursday.

Wyatt Mitchell Wilcox was born February 9, 2012 at 38 weeks and 5 days. He was 6lbs 10ounces and 19' long. He has a ton of hair but it is all in the back. It is a beautiful strawberry blonde color. He is perfect.

Wyatt and daddy the night we got home.
I never thought I could love something as much as I love Mitch. Wyatt is such a blessing in our lives and we are so excited to be his parents. He already makes us laugh and has brought us closer together. I love my perfect little family.

We miss you Uncle Nate, Auntie Calixta and cousin Delia! We can't wait to see you!

1 comment:

  1. Love him! We cannot wait to meet him. Just a little over a month we will get to hold this little guy!! Delia loves him already and talks about him a lot. I am so glad your feeling good and you guys are adjusting well to this little guy! We love his name too!
