Monday, July 9, 2012

Feeling 21 today

Mitchell and myself were talking last night before bed how much we miss being ten years old. He misses having no responsibilities and I miss thinking the world was over when my mom wouldn't let me wear a certain pair of pants. Now we are adults, he has a family to take care of and I can wear any pants I want. Don't you wish you could go back and slap yourself and say, "Just enjoy being a kid while you can!" Lucky Mitch never had that problem. He loved being a kid every day he was one.

Even though I miss my old room and not feeling ashamed for eating ice cream at ten in the morning, I am happy where I ended up. It wasn't easy getting here. Many people came in and out of my life, some were hurt in the process. But if I could go back I would do everything the same... because everything I did made me a better person and it resulted in Mitchell and Wyatt.. my boys. I know I am only 21 and everyone reading this blog is probably older than I am. My life is just starting and I am aware of that. But I can't help missing summer vacations with Margot when I am inside cleaning our apartment.

In the wise words of Dr. Suess, " “They say I'm old-fashioned, and live in the past, but sometimes I think progress progresses too fast!”


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