Saturday, July 21, 2012

Why do we love Wyatt?

Is it because he has had a personality the moment he turned one month old?
Or is it because he gets uncontrollable giggles before bed time?

Maybe it is because he is ALWAYS smiling and ALWAYS happy to see everybody?
Maybe it is because he grabs Daddy's beard on purpose and thinks is is so funny?

Or is it because he love splashing Mommy when he is in the bath tub?
Is it because he loves to play and everything is a fun game to him?

All we know for very certain is we are the LUCKIEST parents alive to be the parents of him!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

On Monday Night....

Our Rating: 7 hippies out of 8
Not for the weak of stomachs 
Can I just say Salma grows younger? Beautiful woman.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Happy Anniversary

32 years is a very long time. Without my grandma and grandpa who have been married 50 something years there would be no daddy. Without my daddy there would be no me. With no me there would be no Wyatt. But why think "what if" if it is already in the past and not possible! I am happy I have two wonderful parents to look up to and I am looking forward to my 32nd year with my hubby.

We all love you mom and dad aka Gramie and Bert

Monday, July 9, 2012

Feeling 21 today

Mitchell and myself were talking last night before bed how much we miss being ten years old. He misses having no responsibilities and I miss thinking the world was over when my mom wouldn't let me wear a certain pair of pants. Now we are adults, he has a family to take care of and I can wear any pants I want. Don't you wish you could go back and slap yourself and say, "Just enjoy being a kid while you can!" Lucky Mitch never had that problem. He loved being a kid every day he was one.

Even though I miss my old room and not feeling ashamed for eating ice cream at ten in the morning, I am happy where I ended up. It wasn't easy getting here. Many people came in and out of my life, some were hurt in the process. But if I could go back I would do everything the same... because everything I did made me a better person and it resulted in Mitchell and Wyatt.. my boys. I know I am only 21 and everyone reading this blog is probably older than I am. My life is just starting and I am aware of that. But I can't help missing summer vacations with Margot when I am inside cleaning our apartment.

In the wise words of Dr. Suess, " “They say I'm old-fashioned, and live in the past, but sometimes I think progress progresses too fast!”


Thursday, July 5, 2012


On May 21st my hubby turned 21! I bought him a awesome bike.
We had a funfetti cake.. Then we saw Dark Shadows and bought baby wipes

Our rating of Dark Shadows... 2.5 vampires out of 5

Wyatt got professional pictures taken. Here is the link to see them all!

Wyatt is going to be five months on July 9th! He weighs about 17lbs and is starting to sit up. He still can't roll, but that is right around the corner. He eats a bowl of rice cereal about three times a week and loves it!

Hot stuff

Last week we saw Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter....

Our rating: 6 Vampires out of 5. Too good to even say



 I am only putting this picture up because Mitchell wouldn't let me crop it and it is such a good picture of him and Wyatt. Too bad I ruined it. Seriously, I look constipated

It was a very hot but very fun day. He loved the fireworks and slept through most of the parade.

and the most important thing of all......

Mitch made Wyatt a brother out of a bowl